Combating corruption, “money laudering” and the financing of terrorism

The Federative Republic of Brazil is a signatory to the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, held in Paris on 12/17/1997, under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which was signed by Brazil in 1997 and promulgated by Federal Decree No. 3.678, dated 11/30/2000. Additionally, on 08/05/2015, Brazil formally adhered to the OECD Recommendation on Bribery and Officially Supported Export Credits, dated 12/14/2006, and is committed to implementing its provisions.

In compliance with the OECD Recommendation and Resolution No. 81 of the Brazilian Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX), dated 09/18/2014, Brazilian official support for export credits is subject to national exporters’ signing of the Declaration of Commitment for Exporters (Declaration).

Furthermore, considering the obligations assumed by Brazil in international instruments related to “Money Laundering” and “Financing of Terrorism,” by decision of the Ministry of Finance’s Secretariat for International Affairs (SAIN), since 03/01/2016, Brazilian official support for export credits is also subject, for each export operation, to the completion and signing of the Exporter Adhesion Form and the Financial Institution/Guarantor Adhesion Form, to be respectively signed by the exporters.

The exporter and the Financial Institution/Guarantor will receive their respective Statements and Compliance Form after registering the operation information on the ABGF website and will return them to the Agency duly filled out, initialed, and with the recognized signature of their legal representatives, who must be identified in the documents (full name, position, and individual taxpayer registration with the Federal Revenue), together with the corporate governance documents requested by ABGF.

After the completion of the operation´s registration on the Portal Único Siscomex´s website, the exporter will receive the Statements and Compliance Forms to be duly filled and returned to ABGF.

Additional information on the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions can be found on the website of the Comptroller General of the Union.